Shorebirds for Beginners – Bird Watch
We know that shorebird species, or wading birds, can be a difficult group of birds to tell apart. Our rangers Katherine, Richard and Ben want to help you to tell your dunlin from your redshank!
Perhaps you know your garden birds and you’re interested in shorebirds but don’t know who to ask. What’s the little white one with the fast legs, the black and white bird with the orange bill and which is making that haunting call?
We’ll talk you through some of the common species, their life cycle and the challenges that they face. Plus because this is nature you never know what could show up, a peregrine on the hunt, a pod of dolphins passing by or a skein of migrating geese.
Join us for all or part of a Shorebirds for Beginners bird watching session at one of the best places in the county to see shorebirds, such as Stag Rocks near Bamburgh, Beadnell and the Coquet Estuary.
- Places are limited so please book your place on the event using the form below.
- A modest amount of walking along uneven ground will be undertaken during the session. Waterproofs, warm clothing and boots are recommended.
- If you have your binoculars do bring them along, however some optical equipment will also be available to share.
- These friendly sessions are held for small groups (less than 12 usually) and we encourage a two way conversation, plus no knowledge of shorebirds is required.
- Please note that in the case of extreme weather conditions, events may be postponed. We will directly contact those booked onto the events should this occur.
Photo by Tim Melling

Upcoming Dates

Stag Rock Bird Watch - Saturday 22nd February, 2025 10:00am
Join us for all or part of the two-hour Shorebirds for Beginners bird watch at Stag Rock, just north of Bamburgh beach; a special place for shorebirds and one of the most important sites for purple sandpiper in mainland England.
We will meet by the parking spaces at Stag Rock (what3words///neatly.logbook.prayers) at 10am and head down to the rocks below to view the shorebirds living on the very edge of the coast.
No prior knowledge is required, and during the event we will discuss what makes Stag Rock so important for shorebirds, as well as give tips on how to identify the different species. Please use the form below to book your place, or to find out more information about this event.